Minggu, 17 Mei 2015

3 Things that Always Said in Prayer

1.     . May Allah make us pious and taqwa servants, may Allah give us the ability to be a servant who always do pious virtues, and being human, muttaqin not a servant of Allah who always sin to Allah

2.      Given the halal sustenance and great opportunity. should we always say a prayer to Allah that Allah made us as his servants are always people satisfied with and a great halal rizki. Because life needed to

Kamis, 14 Mei 2015

I would like to rest for a moment ...

I would like to rest for a moment ...

When all the praise it's too [...]

This controversy [...]

People fall a sleep ... ....

Forget that it's actually despised the ...

I would like to rest for a moment ...

The word terangkai in the writings ...

Make the tears flow ...

I would like to rest for a moment of ...

When the deed was not sincere ...

When conscience is not straight ...

I would like to rest for a moment of ...

Brood in silent ...

Just want to be honest with all the pent-up sense ...

I would like to rest for a moment ...

Want to read more and to interpret the longer I write down everything I've [...]

Want to see all that I do. ..

I would like to pause for a moment of ...

When all the praise it's wrong ...

He began to erode the intent of ...

I would like to rest for a moment of ...

Unable to avoid the longer, I feel more and more do not recognize self [...]

I do not want to see You in a State that is like this ...

I would like to pause for a moment of ...

Straighten out the intentions of ...

This advice was giving away the ...

So I could carve out a beautiful trail, my journey to the hereafter is ...

oh Allah ...

I came with a heart ...

The pounding of the heart scream of ...

A heart that hurts the ...

Oh Allah ...

Because it is not a white garment is the intention of the ...

I become Your servant who always have a disability [...]

Yaa I always have the potential for disability because I'm not an Angel of ...

Although I'm not an Angel, I'm a servant who strive to always obey the ...

Oh Allah 
 Because no word too late to repent...
I would like to pause for a moment of ...

Straighten out the intention to keep the ...

Oh Allah ...

Please forgive my sin...

Sorry for the my mistake ...

Source: http://www.facebook.com/notes/renungan-n-kisah-inspiratif/aku-ingin-berhenti-sejenak-allh-/481078176041


Kenapakah begitu susah untuk aku mengubah diri ini agar menjadi insan berguna pada mata Illahi?
Kenapa begitu sukar diri ini untuk menerima segala kebenaran yang diajarkan padaku?
Begitu hitamkah hati ku ini?
Begitu menggunungkah dosa diri ini?
Layakkah aku untuk meminta ampunanMu ya Allah?
Masih adakah ruang untuk hidayahMu bertapak dalam ruangan hati hitam ini ya Allah?

Kenapa begitu susah diri ini untuk mengalirkan air mata apabila disebut nama yang Maha Esa...?
Kenapa begitu berat air mata ini untuk mengalir mendengar nama Rasulullah s.a.w.?
Kenapa begitu jauh diri ini jika dibanding dengan para pejuang Islam yg lain?
Aku jua muslim yang sama-sama ingin melihat kebangkitan Islam...
Aku jua muslim yang bersama-sama melawan arus jahiliyah...
Tapi diri ini tetap ku rasakan masih sungguh jauh untuk menghampiri gerbang syurgaMu ya Allah...
Tapi aku tidak sanggup dengan siksaan api nerakaMu...

Ya Allah.....
Hinanya diri ku ini ya Allah...
Kotornya diri ku ini ya Allah...
Jijiknya diri ku ini ya Allah...
Berilah hidayah padaku ya Allah...
Janganlah Kau tinggalkan aku walau sesaat...
Pimpinlah aku dalam setiap detik perbuatanku...
Aku tidak sanggup jika Kau berpaling dari memandang diri ini...
Tidak sanggup ya Allah...
Segala-galanya aku berserah pada Mu...
Aku tidak dapat membayangkan diriku tanpa pimpinanMu ya Allah...
Aku tidak sanggup menjadi sehina-hina manusia pada pandanganMu...
Ampunilah aku dalam setiap kejahilan dan kelekaanku...
Hanya pada Engkau aku bergantung dan mengharap segala-galanya...

Air mata membasahi pipi...

Adakah ini air mata keinsafan???
Ini adalah air mata kehinaan yang melanda diri ini...
Diri ini sedih dengan apa yg telah hambaMu ini lakukan...
Aku ingin meminta sesuatu dari Mu...
Tapi aku sungguh malu padaMu ya Allah...

Aku teringat perjuangan Hassan Al-Banna...
Aku sangat mengagumi perjuangan beliau...
Aku mengagumi perjuangan Syed Qutub...
Tapi ya Allah... aku malu ya Allah untuk menyatakannya...
Masih layakkah diri ini menyebut nama Hassan Al-Banna? Nama Syed Qutub?
Masih tersisakah pejuang sepertinya untuk diri ini...
Malunya aku ya Allah dengan permintaan ini...
Aku tidak layak memikirkan tentangnya...

Wanita seperti manakah yang Kau pilihkan untuk mereka...?
Wanita yang bagaimanakah yang telah Kau pilih untuk melahirkan mereka?
Semestinya seperti Zainab Al-Ghazali dan mereka yang seangkatan dengan beliau...
Aku ingin sekiranya boleh mendampingi orang-orang sekaliber mereka.
Seorang yang hidupnya semata-mata untuk Allah.
Mereka tak tergoda rayuan harta dan benda apalagi wanita.
Aku ingin sekiranya boleh menjadi seorang ibu bagi mujahid-mujahid seperti Hassan Al-Banna.
Masih tersisakah mujahid seperti Al-Banna untukku ya Allah...?
Layakkah diri ini untuk menjadi peniup semangatnya?
Aku sungguh malu menyatakannya ya Allah...
Sungguh hina diri ini... sungguh kotor diri ini...
Sungguh lemah diri ini untuk mujahid seperti mereka...

Air mata ini jika dialirkan hingga titisan terakhir,
Namun ia masih tidak mencukupi untuk menyatakan rasa bersalah dengan dosa-dosa diri ini yang menggunung tinggi...

Ya Allah...
Pimpinlah daku...
Janganlah Kau tinggalkan aku walau sesaat cuma
Aku tidak sanggup dibiarkan dlm lumpur dosa2 hina...
Ampunilah aku ya Allah...


" Jika seorang hamba tidak mudah lagi untuk menangis karena takut dengan Kekuasaan Allah... JUSTRU... menangislah karena ketidak mampuan itu.. "

Kamis, 30 April 2015


Love is like the energy He therefore applies the law conservation of energy That love can change from one flavor to another taste From one expression to another expression The love of a father may take the form example, could also shape the advice and attention The love of a mother may take the form of affection, could also referrals and recommendations The love of a husband may take the form of responsibility and loyalty, it could also be a greeting and a hug The love of a wife may take the form of obedience and sincerity, could also be jealousy and longing Then, distributes energy in love with the right person Until the cintapun strengthened and became the grace Instead of making people so immoral let alone get lost Agree?? * May SHARE Setia Furqon Kholid

Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

Do not stop. Not because it stops will hamper your progress

But the real nature teaches that you will never be able to stop . Although you 've been silent , but the earth remains to ask you for around the sun So , act , learn , Work , And dream on . Work is not just to achieve something . Working give happiness to yourself . That is what is expected by the nature of you . Water that does not move more quickly rot . Keys are never opened more easily fibers . Machines are not switched more easily corroded . Tools that not only is used stored in a dusty drawer . Nature has taught this ; Never stop learning and work , or we will soon be an old man and useless . Hopefully our presence in this world not in vain. And let every deeds that we do always give kindness to the environment around us .. If it can not be a smart man try to be a good and honest who never harm others well with our words , our writing what else we are behavior . https://www.facebook.com/CRI290288

Minggu, 04 Januari 2015

It's Millions

" This business is actually very simple . Someone who loves you because of physical , then one day he too would go for the physical reasons . Someone who likes you because of the material , then one day he too would go for the material . But someone who loves you because of heart , then he will never go away ! Because the heart never taught about the relative size of the better or worse . " --Buku " Berjuta Rasanya " , Tere Liye

Jumat, 12 Desember 2014

Romance was ...

Romance was ...
When night stay third , a wife woke up . She made ​​ablution , prayed two rak'ahs .
Then wake her husband . "Honey ... wake up ... it's time to pray .
" So they both went down in humility ' prayers and supplications .

Romance was ...
When a wife says , "Soon to prayer , dear ... "
Then the husband stepped into the mosque , perform tahiyatul mosque .
Not to forget he perform two cycles of dawn .
So he became a winner ; better than the world and its contents .

Romance was ...
When her husband left for work , his wife tenderly kissed her as she whispered ,
" Be careful on the road , doing well at work dear ...
we are better prepared to starve rather than getting a living which is not kosher "

Romance was ...
When a married couple distance apart , but both at the time of Duha pray : " O Allah ,
 keep our love , make life partner and our baby 's eyes and Conditioning heart , set our hearts in faith ,
He shall strengthen our feet on the path of truth and struggle ,
Hurry to sacrifice our souls , then make it easy struggle and sacrifice it to the lawful sustenance and blessing from You "

Romance was ...
When the husband is busy working , at the break he had contacted his wife .
Maybe one time to bring the sound . Perhaps other day with WA and SMS love .
" Whatever food in the cafeteria office , could never beat your cooking .
" Then the wife is also reciprocate , " never as good as my cooking when you sit next to me . "

Romance was ...
When ahead of hours after work , the husband longed to go home and see his wife .
At the same time , the wife misses her soul mate arrived .

Romance was ...
When greet her husband , the wife accompanied answer .
Meet one another. Hand kissed , kissed cheeks alternately .

Romance was ...
When the husband arrived home , his wife greeted him with a bright face and chapped lips .
So there goes all tired and exhausted . The workload on the shoulders suddenly disappear , fly .

Romance was ...
When gratitude always decorate eat together .
Although the menu is simple , delicious so pronounced , the blessing also meet the entire family .

Romance was ...
When a married couple compact teach children the Koran .
Although there has been TPQ (qur'an learning place) , the father and mother are not innocent of responsibility print Rabbani generation .
Later , they were praying for the parents , when parting forever have the time comes .

Romance was ...
When the wife is not reluctant to let her husband . Out of the house .
For the Koran , or activity dakwah.
Because wife wants her husband to become a priest , also useful for Islam and his people ... , 